Results for 'Manuel Silvério Marques'

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  1.  25
    O fogo frio e as morfologias da evidência.Manuel Silvério Marques - 2016 - Cultura:75-108.
    Neste trabalho abordo a hipótese apresentada por Fernando Gil no Tratado da Evidência, da hegemonia de mecanismos alucinatórios nos processos evidenciários. Para avançar no seu estudo, mobilizo condutas elementares e fenómenos complexos, da sucção à vinculação e ao membro-fantasma. Estes fenómenos justificam uma leitura da alucinação a partir de um momentum ou “fase” que designo por evidência perimórfica; com maior brevidade, a propósito do processo de crença e do sistema percepção-linguagem, abordo a alucinação colectiva e o estado perifrástico da evidência. (...)
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    The flame and the organ. Some preliminaries for the study of the monad, the fiber, and the staminal ictus.Manuel Silvério Marques - 2013 - Cultura:177-208.
    Este breve ensaio é uma reacção a perguntas de Bernardino Orió de Miguel. As per­guntas que fecham Leibniz, Crítica de la razón simbólica são: “porque há analogias de ana­logias in infinitum?” e, para o filósofo da harmonia pré-estabelecida, “a expressão, que liga todos os níveis, terá sido apenas um compromisso socialmente correcto que oculta a noção do símbolo?”. Examino algumas das suas implicações para a noção actual de organismo, sob a forma de documentação preliminar ao estudo de mónadas, forças, fibras, (...)
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    A pedra parideira e a panaceia universal: Robert Boyle e a constituição da ciência instrumental.Manuel Silvério Marques - 2012 - Kairos 5:91-139.
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    José Pinto de Azeredo. Essays on Some Maladies of Angola . Translated by Stewart Lloyd-Jones. Edited by Timothy D. Walker, Adelino Cardoso, António Braz de Oliveira, and Manuel Silvério Marques. x + 151 pp., illus., bibl., index. Dartmouth, Mass.: Tagus Press, 2016. $24.95. [REVIEW]Palmira Fontes da Costa - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):702-703.
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    Admixture in Mammals and How to Understand Its Functional Implications.Claudia Fontsere, Marc Manuel, Tomas Marques‐Bonet & Martin Kuhlwilm - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900123.
    Admixture, the genetic exchange between differentiated populations appears to be common in the history of species, but has not yet been comparatively studied across mammals. This limits the understanding of its mechanisms and potential role in mammalian evolution. The authors want to summarize the current knowledge on admixture in non‐human primates, and suggest that it is important to establish a comparative framework for this phenomenon in humans. Genetic observations in domesticated mammals and their wild counterparts are discussed, and a brief (...)
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    Admixture in Mammals and How to Understand Its Functional Implications.Claudia Fontsere, Marc de Manuel, Tomas Marques-Bonet & Martin Kuhlwilm - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900123.
    Admixture, the genetic exchange between differentiated populations appears to be common in the history of species, but has not yet been comparatively studied across mammals. This limits the understanding of its mechanisms and potential role in mammalian evolution. The authors want to summarize the current knowledge on admixture in non‐human primates, and suggest that it is important to establish a comparative framework for this phenomenon in humans. Genetic observations in domesticated mammals and their wild counterparts are discussed, and a brief (...)
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  7. Disagreement about Taste: Commonality Presuppositions and Coordination.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):701-723.
    The paper confronts the disagreement argument for relativism about matters of taste, defending a specific form of contextualism. It is first considered whether the disagreement data might manifest an inviariantist attitude speakers pre-reflectively have. Semantic and ontological enlightenment should then make the impressions of disagreement vanish, or at least leave them as lingering ineffectual Müller-Lyer-like illusions; but it is granted to relativists that this does not fully happen. López de Sa’s appeal to presuppositions of commonality and Sundell’s appeal to metalinguistic (...)
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  8. Really expressive presuppositions and how to block them.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (1):138-158.
    Kaplan (1999) argued that a different dimension of expressive meaning (“use-conditional”, as opposed to truth-conditional) is required to characterize the meaning of pejoratives, including slurs and racial epithets. Elaborating on this, writers have argued that the expressive meaning of pejoratives and slurs is either a conventional implicature (Potts 2007) or a presupposition (Macià 2002 and 2014, Schlenker 2007, Cepollaro and Stojanovic 2016). We argue that an expressive presuppositional theory accounts well for the data, but that expressive presuppositions are not just (...)
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    Image security and biometrics: a review.Ion Marqués & Manuel Graña - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 436--447.
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    Understanding cheating behaviours: proactive and reactive intentions.Tânia Marques, Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Jorge F. S. Gomes - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):415-429.
    The understanding of a wide array of practices related to fraud, bribery, corruption, and more widely, illicit practices have been capturing the attention of practitioners and management researchers worldwide. A substantial portion of the extant research has used university students to measure their actual or intended cheating behaviours and often studies have tested for variations across countries and cultures. We highlight some major concerns in this stream of inquiry and discuss both the definition and some inconclusive results in prior studies, (...)
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  11. Filosofia da Linguagem.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2012 - In Pedro Galvão, Filosofia: Uma Introdução por Disciplinas. Edições 70.
    A filosofia da linguagem dedica-se ao estudo da linguagem natural. Não se dedica ao estudo de línguas particulares, tal como o português, o castelhano ou o inglês, mas sim ao estudo filosófico de características gerais da linguagem e da nossa capacidade e proficiência linguística enquanto seres humanos. A investigação do desenvolvimento da linguagem é uma tarefa a ser desenvolvida pela ciência – a paleontologia, a neurologia, etc. Mas a ciência ocupa-se de algo de que temos um conhecimento intuitivo prévio – (...)
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    Naturaleza en los comentarios de Averroes y Tomás de Aquino a Física, II 1 y Metafísica V, 4.Alfonso García Marqués & Manuel Ballester - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18:71-84.
  13. Nomes Vazios.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    Os nomes próprios são termos singulares que intuitivamente indicam os objectos do discurso ou pensamento. Alguns nomes falham na sua função de referir, sem que, aparentemente, deixem de desempenhar um papel representacional. Isso é paradoxal: Por um lado, os objectos referidos deveriam fazer parte de uma caracterização correcta dos nomes próprios. Por outro lado, o significado das frases que incorporam nomes vácuos sugere que tais objectos são extrínsecos aos pensamentos transmitidos. Isto é o problema que se levanta com a existência (...)
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    Natureza, causalidade e formas de corporeidade.Adelino Cardoso, Manuel Silvério Marques & Marta Mendonça (eds.) - 2016 - Ribeirão: Húmus.
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  15. Opiniones cruzadas: grandes retos para la humanidad.David B. Brooks, Elías Fereres Castiel, Carmen Fuente Salvador & Juan Manuel Cachaza Silverio - 2010 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 57:135-149.
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    Effects of Commitment on Fear of Failure and Burnout in Teen Spanish Handball Players.Juan González-Hernández, Carlos Marques da Silva, Diogo Monteiro, Marianna Alesi & Manuel Gómez-López - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Under an observational, transversal, and descriptive design, the study analyze the degree of adjustment of the perceptions of fear of failure as a mediating variable of the estimated relationship between sporting commitment and the appearance of burnout in young handball players in a competitive context. The sample included a total of 479 youth category handball players selected to compete in the Spanish Regional Championships. The age range was 16 −17 years old. With regard to the years of experience variable, 85.4% (...)
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    Dielectric anomalous response of water at 60 °C.Juan C. del Valle, Enrique Camarillo, Laura Martinez Maestro, Julio A. Gonzalo, Carmen Aragó, Manuel Marqués, Daniel Jaque, Ginés Lifante, José García Solé, Karla Santacruz-Gómez, Roberto C. Carrillo-Torres & Francisco Jaque - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (7):683-690.
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    Frei Manuel Dos Anjos e Immanuel Kant. Similaridades e Diferenças Entre Duas Lógicas Do Século XVIII.Lúcio Álvaro Marques - 2023 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 50 (157):253.
    A filosofia é filha do tempo e reflete a compreensão possível de deter- minado momento histórico. Embora isso pareça banal, não o é. Se a afirmação é justa, deve-se admitir que a filosofia segue o espírito do tempo (Zeitgeist ou a forma mentis) em que foi produzida. Isso torna-a mais próxima da compreensão resultante da pedagogia que a originou e da mentalidade reinante em certo tempo. Partindo da forma mentis que instituiu o ensino no Colégio Serenense no Mato Grosso e (...)
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  19. Algo donoso pero no cortés: una lectura diferencial del bifronte Marqués de Valdegamas a tenor de la modernidad de Vico.José Manuel Sevilla Fernández - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:281-298.
    El autor sigue desplegando su línea interpretativa de la recepción de Vico en España a la luz de una lectura diferencial. Como continuación a su anterior estudio "Nuevos aportes (históricos y filosóficos) para la fortuna de Vico en el siglo XIX español" (Cuadernos sobre Vico, 5/6, 1995-96), se realiza una relectura de la modernidad viquiana a través de la recepción en Juan Donoso Cortés, proponiendo una clave hermenéutica mediante la cual es posible comprender además de la imagen moderna de Vico, (...)
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    FREUD: Uma Concepção Agónica da Educação.Manuel Barbosa - 1990 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 46 (2):251 - 267.
    O autor esboça um quadro configurativo das linhas-mestras do pensamento pedagógico de Freud, bem como da antropologia onde se inscreve. Defende que as reflexões pedagógicas freudianas desenham o perfil duma concepção agónica da educação, marcada pelo propósito de nos colocar diante dos aspectos trágicos da educação. /// L'auteur esquisse le cadre des lignes maîtresses de la pensée pédagogique de Freud ainsi que de l'anthropologie oú elle s'inscrit. Il soutient que les réflexions pédagogiques freudiennes dessinent une conception agonique de l'éducation, conception (...)
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    Les principes des mathématiques revisités.Jaakko Hintikka & Manuel Rebuschi - 2007 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Ce titre marque l'ambition d'un renouvellement des fondements de la logique et des mathématiques un siècle après l'âge d'or du logicisme. L'auteur dispose pour cela de moyens nouveaux, la sématique des jeux et la logique faite pour l'indépendance, qu'il a développés depuis les années 1980.
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    Retraction in public settings.Neftalí Villanueva, David Bordonaba-Plou & Manuel Almagro - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-25.
    Several recent studies (see Knobe & Yalcin, 2014; Khoo, 2015; Marques, 2018; Kneer, 2021a) address linguistic retraction from an experimental perspective. In these studies, speakers’ intuitions regarding the mandatory nature of retraction are tested. Pace MacFarlane, competent speakers (of English) do not consider retraction to be obligatory. This paper examines two methodological features of the above-mentioned studies: they do not take into consideration the difference between public and private contexts; neither do they incorporate the distinction between evaluative and descriptive (...)
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    Expectations-based Processes – An Interventionist Account of Economic Practice: Putting the Direct Practice of Economics on the Agenda of Philosophy of Economics.Leonardo Ivarola, Gustavo Marques & Diego Weisman - 2013 - Economic Thought 2 (2):20.
    The paper starts by distinguishing between two kinds of economic practice: theoretical economic practice (TEP) (model and theory building) and direct economic practice (DEP) (the practical operation upon real economies). Most of the epistemological and philosophical considerations have been directed to the first type of practice, one of whose main goals is the discovery of particular sorts of economic laws, mechanisms and other regularities which throw light on relevant economic patterns. We do not deny that in some restricted domains these (...)
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  24. Knowledge on Gender Dimensions of Transportation in Portugal.Margarida Queirós & Nuno Marques da Costa - forthcoming - Dialogue and Universalism.
  25. Teologia de la evolucion (II): La Ilamada creadora trinitaria. Karl Schmitz-Moormann, 1997.Manuel G. Doncel - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (242):783.
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    Representing or shaping reality? What 'class' can teach about 'woman'.Teresa Marques - forthcoming - In Manuel Gustavo Isaac, Kevin Scharp & Steffen Koch, New Perspectives on Conceptual Engineering. Synthese Library.
    Haslanger (2000) has argued that we should ameliorate concepts of race or gender to better capture existing structural inequalities. Her analysis was criticized by Simion (2018a), who argued that a concept should be ameliorated only if doing so preserves epistemic accuracy. But, as I argue, this criticism misses Haslanger's target. In response, Podosky (2018) and McKenna (2018b) have argued that conceptual revisions need not preserve "epistemic accuracy" since concepts can "shape reality", not just represent it. Here I argue that social (...)
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  27.  32
    “I Don’t Want Your Compassion!”. The Importance of Empathy for Morality.Manuel Camassa - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    After the great enthusiasm about the moral potentialities of empathy of the last thirty years, this phenomenon has been recently called into question, if not openly criticized, by both philosophers and psychologists among whom we find Jesse Prinz or Paul Bloom. This paper aims to show why empathy should not too easily be regarded as useless or even deleterious for morality and to propose a special role for it. In order to reach this goal, I will briefly sketch what I (...)
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    Ecos de arcaicas cosmogonías acuáticas en el ocaso del mundo medieval.Manuel-Antonio Marcos Casquero - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:91-118.
    Primitivos relatos cosmogónicos de diferentes culturas en que el agua desempeña un papel fundamental en la creación del mundo. Análisis de los valores fundamentales del agua que se manifiestan en dichos relatos. El culto al agua desde la antigüedad hasta el final de la Edad Media. Relación del agua con la magia.
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  29. Introduction à la Philosophie.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (3):508-509.
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  30. Los escenarios europeo y latinoamericano. Medios comunitarios y ciudadanos.Manuel Chaparro - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:143-148.
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  31. Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias : una vivencia personal imperecedera.Manuel Cisneros Milla - 2018 - In Francisco Miró Quesada Rada, Los cien años de Francisco Miró Quesada Cantuarias: (homenaje). Lima, Perú: El Comercio.
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    El otro económico.Manuel Montalvo - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:173-184.
    El f in de este a r tículo es demostrar que las ficciones cartesianas no son necesarias en el ámbito del conocimiento, en pa r ticular del conocimiento económico, el cual se de r iv a del análisis de la red de intereses y decisiones de los sujetos, decisiones que son f r uto del pensamiento común que determina el pensamiento de cada in d i viduo. La secuencia ca r tesiana "pensarse para pensar", en realidad se realiza de modo (...)
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  33. El papel de los ingenieros: en el ecosistema del Internet de las cosas.Manuel Moreu - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 96:13-15.
  34. ?Quién sabe?Manuel G. Prieto - 1926 - N.Y.: F. Mayans.
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    Presentation - Theisms Philosophical Contributions from the East to the West.Manuel Sumares - 2016 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 72 (1):9-12.
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    (2 other versions)V. Cousin, Th. Jouffroy e l'eclettismo del primo Ottocento.Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  37. Presentación del Congreso.Manuel Angel Martínez Juan - 2011 - Ciencia Tomista 138 (445):231-236.
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  38. Mente narrativa y constitución del sujeto colectivo: GB Vico.Isabel Zúnica & Alfonso García Marqués - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 22:133-140.
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    Zariski‐type topology for implication algebras.Manuel Abad, Diego Castaño & José P. Díaz Varela - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (3):299-309.
    In this work we provide a new topological representation for implication algebras in such a way that its one-point compactification is the topological space given in [1]. Some applications are given thereof.
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    I. A. Richards' theory of value.Manuel Bilsky - 1954 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (4):536-545.
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  41. (1 other version)Crónicas.Manuel Gonzalo Casas - 1967 - Philosophia (Misc.) 33:119.
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    Self-determination and the conflict between naturalism and non-naturalism.Manuel M. Davenport - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (15):633-644.
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  43. Alternativas al sistema penitenciario.Manuel Gallego Díaz - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (973):25-28.
    La prisión, que hasta finales del siglo XVIII no pasó de ser una medida aseguradora de la presencia del reo en el proceso, fue experimentando a partir de entonces un rápido y progresivo avance como pena en los ordenamientos jurídicos no sólo por considerarse más humana y eficaz que las penas a las que fue sustituyendo -penas de muerte, corporales e infamantes-, sino sobre todo por su adaptabilidad a la gravedad del delito. Además, con la organización de la ejecución de (...)
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    Leonardo Coimbra: vida e filosofia.Manuel Cândido Pimentel - 2019 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica.
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  45. Scholastica colonialis: el contexto curricular de los misioneros franciscanos extremeños.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2011 - Cauriensia 6:147-167.
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    Qu’est-ce que la signification?Manuel Rebuschi - 2008 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    Quand nous utilisons le langage, nous nous appuyons sur le fait que les expressions linguistiques ont une signification. Comment cela fonctionne-t-il? La signification se reduit-elle a l'information? Y a-t-il un intermediaire entre le langage et le monde? Les significations sont-elles dans la tete? Ces questions sont abordees en partant des conceptions heritees de Frege et de Russell jusqu'a la semantique bidimensionnelle de Chalmers, en passant par les debats sur la reference des noms propres et des termes d'espece naturelle. Le livre (...)
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    L'ambivalenza della modernità: Karl Löwith, Rudolf Bultmann e i fondamenti cristiani dell'Occidente.Manuel Rossini & Luca Montanari (eds.) - 2014 - Torino: Trauben.
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    Bitten by the black snake: the ancient wisdom of Ashtavakra.Manuel Schoch - 2007 - Boulder, Colo.: Sentient Publications.
    The Ashtavakra Gita is an ancient Indian text from the classic Vedanta period.
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    Educación, universidad y filosofía.Manuel Luis Escamilla - 1988 - San Salvador, El Salvador, Centro América: Ministerio de Cultura y Comunicaciones, Viceministerio de Comunicaciones, Dirección de Publicaciones e Impresos.
  50. " Hermenéutica y acción", de Lluis Xabel Álvarez (comp.).Manuel F. Lorenzo - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):234-237.
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